Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Stewart @ Smoke Radio etc.

Well, well, well. Happy New Years all round to the blogosphere. Here I am, back at University after my Christmas break, and apart from some nice socialising I have finally gotten the opportunity to co-present a show. Pete has allowed me to help him out on the re-freshers week Request Shows (Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 2-3pm), reading out emails and general banter. I have also recently become something of a mini-celebrity on Campus thanks to the fancy pants T-shirt my sister got me for Christmas. I finally found where she got it from (http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/t-qualizer-music-tee/index.html god bless IWOOT.com) and have forwarded the link to the rest of the Radio Community so they might partake in the thematic t-shirt goodness, which is nice. I like attention, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Off out tonight, and if all is well you should get another update by the end of the week.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Shhh... Rob is sleeping.

Rob is/was/isn't/could be/ sleeping right now. He's draped accross Charlotte some time after our rather fun curry. Thus, we are now at Rob's, watching Dylan Moran's newest DVD. Rob keeps falling asleep. He must be quite knackered. It is amusing. Craig isn't talking bollocks. Life is good.

Sleep Rob, sleeeeeep.


Monday, January 01, 2007

The morning (later in the morning) after the night before.

Wilkommen aus das 2007. Steve thinks we should all go home now so he can have a big WANK. I shall be linking him to this, my blog, later on. I might not necessarily be a regular updater these days, but by GOD am I up to date when I want to be. Eat my currently affaired bum. Charlotte has chocolate caked on her jeans. Toby thinks it might be a dead Jew. Which is horrible. Now the window is open, bringing in a cold breeze and Steve's Mum is being nice and offering us hot drinks. Not alcoholic ones.

This morning we have gotten quite an inspirational kick, and Steve created a new facebook friend for the world. 'Puddle of Vomit'. I assure you he is lovely.

This is going to be a good year.


Right, after last year's (2006) apalling records of new years eve, either due to rubbishness or drunkenness (probably rubbishness considering we were playing LOTR's risk), I figured it was due time I wrote a nice little blog on Stephen's laptop, whilst people were still drunk about me. Which is nice. Whilst listening to Freddie Le Grande - 'Put your hands up', which I have been conditioned with at Uni, to the point of enjoying it. Anyway, let us return to the beginning - the final few hours of 2006.

The 31st of January is my Grandad's birthday, and as such, we usually go round to see him. For the past two years, we have gone to the Greyhound and had a meal. We did that again this year. I awoke earlyish (for me) I went down to Sawston with my folks, initially to my gramp's house, before going to the pub for lunch. Which was nice. I had roast pork with lovely gravy and VERY dry Yorkshire Pudding - which wasn't brilliant. However, it was an nice time spent with myself, parents, grandparents and uncle Tony.

After a mostly enjoyable meal and a couple of pints, I headed for Rob's where I proceded to be lazy until about 6 o'clock. I had an OK Parma ham and Cheese Sandwich and Rob had some kind of soup before he got ready for an APPARENTLY smart dresscoded new-years party, which turned out to be a LIE! But, seeing as I didnt bring any smart clothes home with me, I had (have) smart casual on. I just put on Rob Sinclair for the masses as I write this. Then Toby turned it down and put on Beyonce. Pffft. Lame. On the plus side, its amazing how up to date this is. Many would say being alive would be up-to-date enough. I would disagree. I am doing lots of Journalism modules in Media next semester, it kind of makes sense with my blogging antics. Lambert is a legend, he is gonna tag all the pics of Steve and Ingrid from tonight on Facebook.com. Yay!

Now, after the passing of New Years, we are all in Stephen's room winding down as his parents are back. Stephen and Ingrid are quite drunk. It is amusing. But, the journey here was amusing. After Rob took...

+++ Now for a brief interlude, in which the general mishmash watch Part Troll +++

... me back to mine for changing of clothes and general grooming, we set off to Bottisham to collect Charlotte. On the way, Rob decided rather than take the conventional through-town route, we would go via the A11. He gave me the map. The trusting fool. It is at this point which I find it hard to recall what actually happened on the A11 that evening. It is my final belief the A11 is infact a fissure in the space time continuum, resulting in all concepts of space and time being horribly inaccurate. So eventually we took a right turn (after much bickering) and we arrived in Bottisham. After picking up Charlotte and Toby we went onto the A14 thanks to Rob taking a wrong turn.

At some point we arrived at Steve's. We then played some Wii, had some drink, played some WiiSports. And now here I am, listening to Rob and Charlotte not having sex. lol.

I think I will leave it at that for now, more things will become clear from general discussion and facebook in the morning.
