Saturday, July 07, 2007

Overclocking, Clocking-off.

Ah, nothing beats these lazy Saturdays. All is well in the world when you have a day off. Especially when you're a geek like me with even bigger geeks to talk to on the Internet on Computer upgrades. When you have Live earth playing in the next room, and a summer breeze coming in through the window.

The only downside to talking to people who know their shit is that what you thought you knew suddenly becomes very very wrong, or at least, very out-of-date. Buying new memory on top of everything else looks like an increasingly likely probability.

But in the mean time, PC Gamer #177 has a nice feature this month all about overclocking, so I could have what I already own running at faster speeds by the end of the week. Next week of course is looking particularly attractive as I am only working 3 days. Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday, which unless they get sneaky and change in the next few days, will give me plenty of time of to spend with Phil, who moves in either tomorrow or Monday and is about for a week or so before buggering off to Australia for a month. I shall assist him in getting hooked up to the Internet on our network and in getting his Smoke Radio emails direct to his computer in that time. Hopefully do some fun stuff too with the guys, Charlotte and Danielle. I guess we'll find out within the next few days.


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