Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Blog Wars: Episode 3 (Return of the Stoob)


First of all, I know - it has been a while. Just over two months by the looks of it. My birthday as you can no doubt tell has long since whooshed by and I am now no longer a teenager. Doesn't really make much difference being at Uni mind you.

Some of the other blog mediums you may be familiar with have since transcended to a visual format, but I am keeping it old-school in a textual fashion. So Stevie Mac, Ross Tilley, just because you can be bothered to video-edit don't think you're in anyway better than me!

So whats new? I am back at Uni, still living in Harrow/Kenton and still beating off the local wildlife with coat hangers, bookcases, mousetraps, saucepans and anything else to hand. Finally the house is rodent free as we've sealed off all the possible entrances but now we have a knackered boiler JUST as it has started getting cold. Fun times I am sure you will agree. Certainly makes life interesting mind you. The washing machine was easy to fix, just needed the filter emptying.

I am, like many fellow students, quickly approaching the first big bundle of deadlines which this year will always come in lumps. Lovely lumps of deadlines. Not fun. So this week I need to finish my second year Radio Feature project, which I am doing on Weddings. Weddings were not my first choice mind you, I wanted to teach myself to play Just A Minute in one, but the contact never got back to me and my second idea, to do it on the News Quiz - was hindered by one of the regulars passing away the week I got in touch. So they were obviously tied up at Radio 4 that week.

The Wedding idea came about because, as it would happen, I was going to a Wedding. My Uncle's to be specific. He was marrying a loony and me being family I was there to send him on his merry way into the married life. The best of luck to him and his new family. I was more pleased to have a new suit, which is very nice I might add. I also took the opportunity to grab lots of audio for the feature which I have been frantically editing these past two days because the deadline is the end of this week.

Then, next week, I have a 3000 word Critical Report of the feature due, along with a 2000 word essay on Media Consumption & Identity. Then, the following week (or the one after, I lose track) I have a 1000 word presentation on Propaganda Mediums for my Propaganda module. That one I rather look forward to as I haven't done a presentation in a while and have a lot of experience with Propaganda under my belt. 4 years of History in GCSE and A Level do that to you.

But, all the current worries aside, these past few weeks have been fairly successful. Smoke Radio's School Disco in Freshers Week was very successful, raising over £5000 and tomorrow we're hosting Smoke Radio's Halloween House of Horror in Area 51, hopefully that will be successful too. I will be going as a Pirate, as I make quite a good swashbuckler and have the costume more or less sorted already. The new schedule is up and running and I am being moaned at to get it on the website. All in good time mind you.

The new Freshers are all nice people, although there are a couple of crazies in there too. But lovely crazies all the same. We took them on the Circle Line Pub Crawl and we all got very drunk. Suffice to say I don't remember much of it in detail but I know a good time was had by all, except Pete who died towards the end with a migraine.

But I think that just about brings the world up-to-date with the world of me, so I think I shall leave it at that.

Until next time!