Sunday, June 17, 2007

3 Adiscombe Close - The Update.

So as it happens, for a short time we had a rodent issue. A Rat to be precise. No, not a Siberian Hamster. 3-4 days in total I would imagine we had it living with us. However today we got it resolved so if all goes well I won't be dying alongside my housemates from the black death anytime soon. I first suspected it's presence on Thursday when I swore I head a squeak and scuffling from somewhere in the kitchen. However, I thought nothing of it, thinking it was just the floorboards or something and went on with my business. However, the following evening, Aoife saw the little bastard in the flesh. My only regret is that I didn't suggest we make rat fricassee. Take a live rat, marinade it in a puddle. For how long? Until it's drowned. Then, stretch it out under a hot light bulb and gobble it down quickly so you don't have to taste it.

The Landlord came ovet today and not only had his handy-man mechanic fix the faulty gas hob, but also paid him £88 for looking inside our dish-washer to tell us how broken it was. We now have two options. Either pay £90-£130 to get a new motor with our Landlord paying for the labour, or scrap it. I am hoping we can hang onto it long enough until we can afford to repair it aka. when we all have jobs.

Apart from helping the Landlord shift the kitchen units so he could get behind them and patch up the holes where our little furry friend came from, today has been very much inactive. But I have had to be in really, to resolve said household issues. But this has had its downsides, as it has meant I have been home alone for a large portion of the day. Chris has been out entertaining his sister Katy in London before they went to see Muse at Wembley this evening which I am a little disappointed I didn't see coming before it was too late. Sounded like it would have been awesome to see. Pete was out for a while with Siobhaun getting his Dad a Fathers Day present and his Mum a Birthday present and was back briefly before going out with Dan to meet up with some old friends of theirs in Harrow. So muggins here has indeed been home alone.

But when Chris and Katy got back at least they were sociable. We played Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007 on the PS2, and I got horribly, horribly thrashed by the pair of them whilst Chris got totally ruined by his sister. Which was a treat to behold. Bless their cotton socks. Better there socks than mine though, mine seem to be constantly acquiring holes! Either its my massive feet, or the Rat. I am going to blame the Rat. Stupid Siberian Hamster!


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